In addition to in-home care, I offer the following services.
Parenthood Initiation and Matrescence Ceremonies
As the role of parent is added to our identity, profound shifts occur that deserve our acknowledgment. The transformation is often so abrupt, and can sometimes be accompanied by a sense of loss of self. I believe that turning points in our lives call for honoring, not only to help normalize the metamorphosis, but to welcome it and recognize it’s magic. Feeling supported in your new role and releasing your old one in a ceremonious way can be a memorable way to ease and welcome your transition into parenthood.
Please reach out to me if you feel you would like to honor your new role with an intentional gathering that I can lead for you.
A typical blessing ceremony would include inviting a small group of close friends to spend part of an afternoon or evening sitting in circle and taking turns speaking openly about parenthood, sharing wishes for you on your journey, and listening without judgement as you speak aloud about your new identity and release your old one. My role is to help organize the event, purchase supplies, and to lead the group by offering symbolic ways in which to honor the new parent.
Your blessing ceremony will be a cherished memory as you step forward empowered by the connection to the parents before you and the pledge of the support of your peers.
$150 Facilitator Fee
Birth Story Listening Circles
Processing our birth experiences with others can be profoundly beneficial to our wellbeing and sense of community. An unprocessed birth story is one that evokes feelings of shame, blame, guilt or discomfort, or feels tainted in any way. Even for a birth that was not traumatic, the opportunity to share an unfiltered version offer us the ability to delve into the moments that are most meaningful to us, rather than the medical highlights or socially accepted details. The simple act of having your story heard can be tremendously healing and can shape how you currently feel about a birth no matter how old the memories are. While Birth Story Listening is always offered if you hire me as your postpartum doula, being heard in a small group setting is another powerful tool. Sessions are open to birthing parents, partners, adoptive parents, birth workers, and birth attendants and includes experiences of miscarriage, still birth, and intentional release of pregnancy. I would like to host a listening circle as periodically as interest in the community arises. If you are moved to attend a circle please contact me in the reach out section via email. I also offer private listening sessions upon request.
Investment TBD
Postpartum Planning Consultation
Many expectant parents meticulously prepare their birth plans and their nurseries, all the while leaving out the invaluable preparation of planning for the postpartum. While your medical care provider will oversee your physical recovery, a doula can help you plan for everything else.
I offer a postpartum planning package in which we’ll collaborate to leave you with a list of community resources, warming recipes, and strategies for a number of potential challenges. A few examples of what I can help you plan for include baby products, optimizing rest, boundary setting, and other keys to lowering stress for the healthiest possible mother-baby dyad.
This new offering will be available soon in the form of a customized workbook and a number of virtual or in person consultations.
Investment TBD
Community Supported New Parent Circle
Over the course of my career as a childcare provider I’ve come to recognize that community support is a need rather than a desire for newborn families. I feel passionately that expecting and newly postpartum families need each other. A New Parent Circle is a come-as-you-are support meet-up that I facilitate in and around western Sullivan County, with the intention that you foster heart-connections to others parents in the community. An opportunity to share personal experiences and foster deep connections with other new parents during this transitional time in your lives.
Investment in joining this series is on a sliding scale using the self-assessment green bottle model of tiered payment as to be accessible to all. A limited number of seats will be available for each circle series.
Dates and locations TBD based on interest.
Overnight Respite*
My in-home support is typically booked during the daytime hours, however I offer a one-time overnight shift for families in need of catching up on sleep. I will arrive in the early evening and parents will plan on going to bed shortly thereafter.
I will feed your baby overnight if possible, or deliver baby to the nursing parent as well as change, swaddle and soothe to maximize your rest. Beyond respite, an overnight shift can allow me to help you strategize for future rest, or provide information on normal infant sleep expectations.
Even if your sleep is still interrupted by a feeding, many parents find that they can finally shut off and rest while a doula is nearby listening for baby.
until midnight $150
until morning $300
*overnight shifts are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19
Photos by Laura Coppelman